How do I add a font to my site/paste?

First of all, click the link of the font you liked, then click download. Once it's downloaded you'll have to go to your files and extract the font since it'll be a zip file. After you extract the font file, upload it to a file hoster, I recommend filegarden for this specially if the name of the font has spaces. Once you upload it to a file hoster, copy the link and then add the following code under the style tag:

Font not working, wat do?

If the type of file the font has is otf that might be the cause of the font not working. you can fix this via adding "format('opentype')" before the semicolon after the src: url("link") part, like this:

Extra & tips

As I mentioned before, I mainly recommend using filegarden as a file hoster since it allows you to edit the name of any file, if you don't edit a font file with spaces included your font won't work properly. It also works as a way to store any files you want in case you need them later.. This is only a tip, though! You can use any site you like or find easier to use.

Some other sites I get fonts from are sites like ángel's font rsrc, ulzzang's font section or resource's font section. Scrolling through the dafont sections also works LOL.


if you have any other questions or need help with anything, or if any of the links I added for the fonts don't work, you can contact me here!